
ニューヨーク市長のタクシー政策 ~チームネクスト合宿 in New York  に備えて~

公開日: : 最終更新日:2016/11/25 配車アプリ

For-Hire Vehicle Transportation Study January, 2016」というレポートが市長室から発表されている。当該レポートは、市内の交通混雑回避のためには、E-DISPATCH” SERVICES の活用が必須との認識に立っている。データも含めて何時でもFACTBOOOKもネットで閲覧できる。やはり市長がタクシーの免許権等交通政策の権限を保有するからであろう。東京都や国土交通省のHPと比較してみるとよい。関係協会のHPも同様である。論より証拠である。

http://www1.nyc.gov/assets/operations/downloads/pdf/For-Hire-Vehicle-Transportation-Study.pdf for-Hire Vehicle Transportation Study January, 2016
http://www.nyc.gov/html/tlc/html/about/factbook.shtml factbook2016



黄色のYellowcabは流し(street hall)中心にスマホ配車への参画も位置づけられている。緑のグリーンキャブはスマホ配車(e-dispatch)や在来型の電話、無線による車庫待ちに加えて、流し営業(ボロータクシーとしてマンハッタン以外を営業区域とする)も位置づけられている。黒色と灰色はPre-arrenged(流しではなく、事前予約)に位置付けられている。黒のブラックタクシーは企業等専用の高運賃営業から普通のスマホ配車営業まで位置づけられている。UBER、Lyftはここに位置付けられている。灰色のliveryは、低運賃の乗合運送も行う準公共営業に位置付けられている。
このニューヨーク市の作成した表の中に「In NYC, Uber and Lyft are categorized as black cars, not as a separate category」と記述(画面には出ていない)されているように、Uber、LyftはFHVのブラックカー扱いとなっていることは重要であろう。合法と認められているのである。





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ロンドンと同じくニューヨークでもタクシーとは流し営業を行うものを言う。ロンドンでは個人タクシー形態が多いブラックキャブがタクシーであるが、ニューヨークではタクシーはイェローキャブと呼ばれている。これに対して流しを行わないもの(Prearranged Service)は料金が先決めである。ロンドンではPHVと呼ばれ自家用車扱いであるが、ニューヨークではFHVと呼ばれており、自家用扱いではない。

For-Hire Vehicles (FHVs) provide prearranged service through TLC-licensed bases, allowing passengers to contact companies that have networks of licensed drivers and vehicles that can pick them up. There are three classes of FHV service in New York City: Community Cars (aka Liveries), Black Cars, and Luxury Limousines. All for-hire service must be arranged through a TLC-licensed base or a TLC-licensed Dispatch Service Provider (DSP) working with a licensed base, and performed by TLC-licensed drivers in TLC-licensed vehicles. Information about the current TLC-licensed bases can be found in the appropriate link below.

運転手免許は全部で148,168件 うち Medallion Drivers が55,390 For-Hire Vehicle Drivers が 90,284 paratransit Drivers(相乗りが認められる準公共のもの、身障者設備つき?)が2,206、Commuter Van Driversが288件である。
車の免許数は全部で89,686件うちStreet Hail Service 用は、Medallion Taxis 13,587 standby Vehicles 112 Street Hail Liveries (SHLs 流しができるグリーンキャブのこと?) 7,676(グリーンキャブ) である。Prearranged Service用は、For-Hire Vehicles (non-SHL 流しができない) 66,604Black Car 38,791、Livery 21,932、Luxury Limousine 5,881 、Paratransit Vehicles (non-SHL 流しができない) 1,123 、Commuter Vans 584 となっている。

Why do Uber, Lyft operate in NYC?
The companies have struck an agreement with the New York City’s Taxi & Limousine Commission that allows them to operate in that jurisdiction as for-hire cars. It’s not exactly ridesharing – but it does allow Uber and Lyft to legally provide rides within New York City.

Liveries (also known as Car Services or Community Cars) Provide for-hire service by pre-arrangement.  Around 500 base stations located throughout the five boroughs.  About 25,000 vehicles Vehicles must be affiliated with a base.  Average age of vehicles is about 7 years.
Passengers: about 500,000 per day
Fare: set by base and varies by neighborhood Regulations Trip must be prearranged via bases Street hailing not permitted.  Wide variety of vehicle types (TLC inspection once every 2 years) Open entry Black Cars Provide service mostly for corporate clients, setting fares by contracts with clients.  Around 80 base stations located throughout the five boroughs.  About 10,000 vehicles Vehicles must be affiliated with a base.  Average age of vehicles is about 5.5 years. 
Prearranged contracted service, 90% non-cash basis.  Wide variety of vehicle types (TLC inspection once every 2 years).  Open entry Other Industries Paratransit Provide transportation for healthcare facilites About 2,000 vehicles Over 200 paratransit providers Luxury Limousines Provide chartered service About 7,000 vehicles Over 200 companies Commuter Vans Provide service for passengers along fixed routes About 500 vehicles Around 50 van authorizations


The Commission will issue licenses and adopt and enforce rules regulating the business and industry of the following for-hire transportation services in the City:
(a) Medallion Taxicab Service
(b) For-Hire Vehicle Service (including Livery, Black Car and Luxury Limousine services)
(c) Paratransit Service
(d) Commuter Van Service

Accessible taxicab. An “accessible taxicab” is a taxicab that complies with section 3-03.2 of this title.
A “medallion” is a plate issued by the Commission as the physical evidence of a taxicab license, and affixed to the outside of such taxicab.
The “MTA Tax” is the 50-cent tax on taxicab trips that is imposed by article 29-A of the New York State Tax Law.
A “taxicab” is a motor vehicle licensed by the Commission to carry passengers for hire, designed to carry a maximum of five (5) passengers, and authorized to accept hails from prospective passengers in the street. As used in these rules the term taxicab also includes the license issued by the Commission to operate the motor vehicle as a taxicab.
A “taxicab driver’s license” is the authority granted by the Commission to an individual to drive a taxicab in the City of New York. Taxicab license.
A “taxicab license” is the authority granted by the Commission to an owner to operate a designated vehicle as a taxicab in the City of New York.
A “taxicab technology service provider” is a vendor who has contracted with the Commission to install and maintain the taxicab technology system in taxicabs.
The “taxicab technology system” is hardware and software that provides the following four core services (collectively “four core services”): (i) allows credit, debit and prepaid card payment required by section 3-03(e)(7) of this title, (ii) text messaging required by section 3-03(e)(8) of this title, (iii) trip data collection and transmission required by section 3-06 of this title, and (iv) data transmission with the passenger information monitor required by section 3-07 of this title.
A “taximeter” is an instrument or device approved by the Commission by which the charge to a passenger for hire of a licensed taxicab is automatically calculated and on which such charge is plainly indicated.
A “passenger” is any individual seated in a taxicab for travel for hire to a given destination.
The “market value” in reference to the transfer of a taxicab medallion shall mean the consideration for the transfer unless the transfer is for less than fair market value, in which case the “market value” shall be the fair market value of the medallion being transferred.
An “independent taxicab owner” is an individual, partnership, limited liability company or corporation owning only one medallion taxicab in the City of New York.
A “Licensed vehicle” is a medallion taxicab authorized by the Commission to accept passengers for hire.
A long-term driver is a licensed taxi driver who meets all of the following conditions: The driver must be: (1) A steady driver, who drives the taxicab at the rate of at least 160 hours per month; and (2) A named driver, who is named on the rate card pursuant to Rules 1-47 and 1-48; and (3) Either an owner of the medallion (including a shareholder in a corporation owning the medallion) or a lessee of the medallion pursuant to a lease with a term of no less than five months; and (4) A long-term driver on no more than one taxicab.


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GetTaxi  Via (company)  YANDEX

Gett, previously known as GetTaxi, is a global on-


New 3PHL(Third party human logistics)  Transport app Moovit has arrived in Australia(http://mashable.com/2015/03/30/transport-app-moovit-australia/#:eyJzIjoiZiIsImkiOiJfeW80dTUya2M5cGVmdG95dSJ9)



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Fusion Auto社Fusion Auto社は6月14日~8月15日にロシアで開催されたワール


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livery stable とlivery cars 流し営業の歴史

図書館から「真昼の決闘(ハイヌーン)」を借りてきて見た。 そのなかで、Livery stapleの


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人口減少と配車アプリ  Taxi Japan 19.1.25 No.337号 長野県タクシー協会講演会内容へのコメント



配車アプリの話題と将来  Hailoと提携しているナニワ交通を訪問して

○巨額投資を呼び込む配車アプリ会社 タクシーアプリが話題になっています。Hailo等はロンドン


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ニューヨーク市長がUberの台数制限案を引っ込めたという記事 July 22, 2015  De Blasio Drops Plan for Uber Cap

De Blasio Drops Plan for Uber Cap After long, bitt


動画で見る世界人流観光施策風土記 シェアリング・エコノミー論議の方向性 ~貸切と乗合の相対化~

1 シェアリング・エコノミー論の登場 (1) 人流市場のシェアリング・エコノミー論 1970年代


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