livery stable とlivery cars 流し営業の歴史
そのなかで、Livery stapleの看板が出てきて、驚いた。貸し馬屋と訳してある。
A livery stable (from 1705, derived from the obsolete sense of “provender for horses” found in the mid-15th century)[15] looks after the care, feeding, stabling, etc., of horses for pay.とある。
ニューヨークのUber調査の際liveryという単語に初めて接した。ニューヨークには、Livery Car の範疇があって、この意味がもう一つよくわかっていなかったが、貸し馬屋の看板を見てストーンと腑に落ちたのである。貸し馬は流し営業などするはずもなく、また馬は自分で操縦するから、レンタカーみたいなものであったのである。自動運転車時代になれば、米国人はlivery carsと再びいうかもしれない。馬の文化がない日本人は、相変わらず無人タクシーだと思ってしまうのであろう。流しができないタクシー(livery cars)は貸し馬と同じでLiveryなのである。
A “livery vehicle” remains a legal term of art in the U.S. and Canada for a vehicle for hire, such as a taxicab or chauffeured limousine, but excluding a rented vehicle driven by the renter. In some jurisdictions a “livery vehicle” covers vehicles that carry up to fifteen passengers, but not more, thus including a jitney but excluding an omnibus or motorcoach. This usage stems from the hackney cabs or coaches that could be provided by a livery stable. By extension, there are boat livery companies for the hire of watercraft. Canada has many businesses offering canoe livery.
Distinguishing Taxis From Livery Cars
January 29, 2011, 5am PST | Irvin Dawid
Do you know the difference between taxis and livery cars? This op-ed by a taxi driver/author explains the difference. It is timely because Mayor Bloomberg will propose a rule that will make the two more similar, and (yellow) cab drivers oppose it.
In New York City, you can hail a cab but not a livery car, at least not legally – that may change if Mayor Bloomberg has his way. He is expected to propose a rule change in his State of the City speech that eliminates the ‘hailing’ distinctiion and also installs meters in livery cars.
“As things now stand, only yellow cabs can legally pick up street hails within the five boroughs, while livery cars can respond only to radio calls. Yellow cabs have meters, while liveries use a zone pricing system. It’s worked this way since the medallion system was introduced in 1937.
The livery cabs that do ply the streets of Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx and Staten Island wouldn’t have many passengers to pick up on the street, because these boroughs have relatively little pedestrian traffic. This is what led to the rise of the radio-dispatched livery industry in the first place. What works in busy Manhattan doesn’t necessarily work in the other boroughs.”
The writer of this this column, who is an author as well as a taxi driver, explains why it is not only bad for cab drivers but customers who need to leave Manhattan as well – so you might just not get the cab you hailed. The rule will have to be approved by the City Council.
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