Travel writing through practical tourism research on Mongolia Tsaatan ethnic (especially concerning with a reindeer and shermanism) 3
21th August
It was decided to try to reindeer meat. Buy five thousand yen per person when you split the bill one head with five people. Young male becomes edible. Females need to milk collection and childbirth. The male adult is for transportation.
Processing of internal organs is a woman of work.
The children had to help.As flies do not lay eggs, fume meat in horse dung.
Is the same as the dismantling of the tuna, and to edible the very best.Boiled helmet of tuna, the eye of tuna,it is also the same that come in handy for.
Tsaatan is, in Mongolian, a sense that the people who keep the reindeer. It’s able to contribute with a basic level of Tuvan language of the Russian Federation Tuva Republic. It is a Tuvan group and the same system. The Stalin era, is suspected of relations with Japan, a lot of people became victims of the purges. How do call themselves in Tsaatan words, we’ve missed hear. If all goes era would begin to say funny is being expressed in ethnic Mongolian.
In the past, they are, while moving in the woods take the reindeer, had a collection hunting life.In the mid-20th century, it came to live in reindeer dairy products. And, during the winter, it was varied to eat a little bit of reindeer meat.Therefore, reindeer life, surprisingly, is the new tourism resources.
Rather, Japanese food is also so, tourism resources is located in the modern extension, is the new ones often.
In recent years, fake TSaatan exists in Hovsgol Lake west coast, trouble with tourists has occurred.
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