
Travel writing through practical tourism research on Mongolia Tsaatan ethnic (especially concerning with a reindeer and shermanism) 4

公開日: : 最終更新日:2023/05/20 シニアバックパッカーの旅

24th August

We went back to Tsuagan’noru. We were supposed to be staying in the house of another of Sherman.Local teachers had been asked. She is a student of Dr. HADA, enthusiastic teacher to eco-education.She seems upset painful teeth.After giving the antibiotic, the next day the pain had subsided. Again, science and magic are separated.Suddenly, I was supposed to hear the fortune-telling of Sherman.Sherman is currently 70s. It became the Sherman (Boo) in the late 30’s. I hear mother was Sherman (Odogan).


Rite This Sherman, after cleansing with smoked withered in smoke pine needles, using a mirror and Jew’s harp the instrument was carried out.Unlike Tsaatan ethnic Sherman, direct, fortune-telling has been reported.Request that was asked is from the Mongolian mother living in Japan.The child is suffering from a heavy illness. Sherman told that the child had a problem in stomach, limbs and head (in short all of the site).From the time when there are children in the mother’s belly, the devil has possessed from the front of the mother generations to the next mother.Spirit told needed exorcism.
According to the revelation of the Spirit of “Let rely on all the Lamaism”.”Because do not know in Sherman, rely let the force of the people with Lama of power” was made in the form of. In Ulan Bator, that have a lot of great people of the Lama.
Sherman of tools and Lama of tools had been decorated in the altar.The former is from the mother, the latter inherited from his father.It is a very syncretism of Lamaism and Sherman like Japanese Shinto and buddism.I asked him whether there is that please rely on Christianity.It was a positive answer. However, there was no answer to the question of whether there is a precedent. Thanks but was 100,000 Tsuguru, the sensory wonder worth of ¥ 100,000 position if the standard of living.


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