
Lesotho · Maseru (151) February 24th and 25th February 2019

公開日: : 最終更新日:2023/05/21 シニアバックパッカーの旅

I spent three hours at the transit of John. It was unexpected that the lounge could not be used. But when I was e-mailing I forgot that time passed. I arrived at Lesotho airport. I exchanged money. The fee is stupid. It is strange that only 230 will come although it is 300 lands at 20 euros, but it can not be helped. There is no pickup car. Since there is a shuttle, I decided to show the hotel name and ride. From the hotel, I thought this was about 130 lands. Many people got off at the first hotel. One of the remaining people has spoken to me in Japanese. He was a South African from Botsuana. The hotel which I stayed said that the meal was delicious. I arrived at the hotel. The driver says that the price is 150 lands, but if it says that there are only 130, it did OK. Check in. I will arrange airport arrangements for tomorrow at 6 o’clock. The staff at the hotel arranged for today, but it is a common story that it seems that someone mistook it. Ask a lunch box for breakfast. It is said that dinner is not done today on Sunday. I decided to deal with apples and tea. The surroundings are relaxed country scenery. There is a high court nearby. The inn was doing a kids football club. I slowly relaxed overnight.

There was a breakfast box in the morning, and I ate immediately. Can juice, boiled eggs, chicken, cheese sandwiches are a standard. I handed 100 lands and 5 euros to the airport taxi. As I say where to change the euro, the hotel told me that it will change as foreigners stay a lot. The mountain seen from the runway in the morning is beautiful. Looking at the African ground, brown carpets look spotty on the green site, but agriculture, I think that the biggest cause of environmental destruction is agriculture.


(From Lesotho to Zambia, over Botuana etc.)



Future of Battlefield-tourism, including Mongolia

China and Russia  Even in just two weeks of Mon


🌍🎒シニアバックパッカーの旅 夫婦で旅行 2012年5月1~2日 スロベニア(国連加盟国52か国目)



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🗾🎒シニアバックパッカーの旅 1995年 小笠原諸島 父島、母島



🌍🎒 🚖 マニラのライドシェア状況報告 チームネクスト IN 新潟 11月1日

新潟でのチームネクストに参加し、マニラの報告を行った。 三条市のデマンド交通の説明を市長と中越交通


🌍🎒シニアバックパッカーの旅 2023年2月23日 カメルーン(国連加盟国158か国目)

Googlephoto2023年2月22~23日アルバム https://ph


🌍👜シニアバックパッカーの旅 2018年5月14日 陝西省西安の糸繍群像、⒄甘粛省敦煌の月牙泉、鳴汲山

14日 月牙泉、鳴汲山 https://photos.google.com/photo/AF1Qi


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🌍🎒シニアバックパッカーの旅 2022年4月19日~5月18日 独、仏、伊、土、チュニジア旅行 出発1日前(4月18日)

◎ JALのマイレージ期限切れを回避するため、昨年末に旅行計画。いくら何でもゴールデンウィーク前


🌍🎒シニアバックバッカーへの道  JR東時代 1992年6月14日~27日 ブラジル(国連加盟国16か国目)



🌍👜シニアバックパッカーの旅 ④ 2018年2月15日夜16日早朝🏳‍🌈⓭キュラソーの短時間滞在

〇 運航中止の連絡 2月15日にボゴタを、アビアンカ航空(スターアライアンス)でたち、キュラソ


🌍🎒シニアバックパッカーの旅 2022年5月1~2日早朝 シラクサ

シラクサの宿     世界遺産 ネアポリ考古学公園   石切り
