
Malawi (150)      February 23 – 24, 2019

公開日: : 最終更新日:2023/05/21 シニアバックパッカーの旅

The Republic of Malawi has a population of 16 million people, the capital city is Lilongwe, and the biggest city is Blantya (650,000 people). According to the World Bank, per capita national income in 2014 is 250 US dollars, it is the world’s lowest. I used to care about the hotel selection. Breakfast included. However, Bookingcom of the hotel has been discontinued now and was uneasy until arrival

The round trip between Johannesburg and Blantyre is 600,000 yen. Tax is 35,000 yen, more than half.
In case
(Arrival Visa)
Malawi entered with an arrival visa. I thought the fee was $ 75. Since the former man gave out 100 dollars and did not receive fishing, it was 75 when I heard that it was how much time it was at my turn. At that time, the former man came back and asked for fishing. There is no taxi. Calling the hotel is said to come in 15 minutes. However, even after 30 minutes, it does not come. When asking the driver who first talked to me, it is the responsibility of the hotel, which means that we should pay the hotel. Call again. Tell her that you are out, but you can not wait anymore. It is 25 minutes to the city by taxi. According to the driver’s story, sometimes it is used by someone on the way.

Roadside landscape seen on the net. Slum, I do not feel miserable. Unfortunately there are only 50 dollar bills. I should say I should pay together with my sending tomorrow. It is said to trust. Because the hotel’s grade is high, the driver probably trusted.

I walked down the street. dirty. Infrastructure is insufficient to think that it is a city whose population exceeds 700,000. Street stalls are central. Jeepney is a means of transportation, sanitary conditions are bad, diseases are prevalent. There was a store in Kentucky Fried Chicken. It is hygienic and high-end store. Since there is no signal, technology is necessary to cross the road. I went to the train station. On the way, I saw a little bird in the lower abdomen with brilliant yellow green, smaller than Gita. Because I am accustomed to people, I will not run away. The station is a freight station, but old passenger stations are left. When I asked a young stationer who was on my way back home to ask if I could take a picture, I consulted the station manager. The station manager was an answer that he would not know until the regulatory agency asked. A young stationer asked the impression of Malawi. When I answered that thirty years from now I will develop like Southeast Asia, I looked happy. There was a colonial-style building. I was receiving assistance from Norway. The tourist information office was also a historical facility.

(The next morning)
Bed is equipped with built-in bed nets and atmosphere is good. I did not know to look for a Mandala House in the morning walk. But. I entered Mandara’s stalls. There was a person who will guide me. Hotel breakfast is said to start at six o’clock, but we are not ready at all and we only have bread and coffee at half past half after we went out for a walk. Later meat etc. were prepared. I felt uneasy about drinking juice, I was okay. There are no other guests for breakfast. I checked out. It is about 10,000 yen. Although it is expensive, it is a premium because I do not know the circumstances. I feel like I understood a little why Booking.com canceled registration.

A taxi was coming. I also had an e-mail before, but I noticed it later. Ask the driver to go to the airport via Mandara house and church. Mandala house is on the hill. I could not find it in the early morning walk because the direction was unknown, but it is different from the photograph of the net. In any case, it is a Western-style Western-style building. The St. Michael church was doing the Sunday masses. I heard the voice of a female pastor. Most of them are Muslims, so Christians are good for dancing, so it is a landing class. I can speak to a woman who is a child with me. When saying How are you, a little girl answers Fine thank you, so you can see that English is popular. English also got through almost all the way. I will pay $ 52 to the driver. I added the part that I dropped on.




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