
Namibia · Windhoek (147) February 18th 2019

公開日: : 最終更新日:2023/05/21 シニアバックパッカーの旅

(Nambi massacre and Germany)

I knew the Helle-Namakua slaughter just before leaving for the trip. I took up a massacre of irritability as a tourism resource. This massacre is the first Genocide of the 20 th century that the German Empire took from 1904 to 2007. About 60,000 Herrero and 10,000 Namakua died. One characteristic of this massacre is starvation, poisoning death. To celebrate the 100th anniversary of the 2004 Helenro War, the German minister represents the memorial and apology representative of all the Germans, but the Heroes are seeking financial compensation.
German politicians have agreed that Germany’s massacre led to led to the Nazi Germany’s diabolical massacre later.

(Wind Hock morning)

Namibia has a population of 2.3 million and Windhoek has 300,000. Half of Christianity is 90% Ovumbo tribe. The official language is English. The pick-up taxi was about 500 lands, I did not know whether to pay directly to the driver, so I decided to exchange $ 100 for the time being for the time being. You can change in John, Namibia, Esuwatini. The reverse seems to be useless. In Malawi, a taxi needs 130 lands.

Next day after breakfast, I go to the city center. Look at Independent Boulevard, Post Street, Castro Street, Zoo Park, Church, Parliament Building. The station sees Namibia station in the neighborhood.

(Windhook movie 1)


Tour pickup comes at 8:30. There are only young people in the meeting place, 3 people with the elderly. Participants were five boys, eight girls, and guides were two men. Two boys are Japanese, one Chinese in Singapore, one who forgot about Portugal and where it was. Women were white except Hong Kong and Korean women.

There was a big plastic bottle. In this case I did not need small. But it is charged. Because the story is a bit different, I returned it. Free water is about tap water. My fault who did not know English in Tap water.

(Sunset Tour)

After arriving at the campsite over a day, after setting up a tent, I went out for a sunset tour. As I climbed a sandy mountain, I was out of breath. After coming home after sunset, while I was going to buy a cola at the restaurant, it was completely sunset. I lost my sense of direction at the campground, I got lost, I asked the clerk for a guide.

In the tent, I did not wake up in the middle of the night. I painted mosquito repellent ointment and went to bed. I did not go to the toilet.
There was a battery charge plug in the campground. Do not worry about this. According to the land price, expenditures are tax included in both juice 20, water juice 20, cola 12.5, cookie 11 cola 12.5 tax water 15.
Overnight I heard the bird’s voice called Yotaka. Both Japan and Namvia have the same voice.


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(Movie: first day 1, 2) https://photos.google.


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