
Namib Desert Tour (147) February 19 – 21, 2019

公開日: : 最終更新日:2023/05/21 シニアバックパッカーの旅

(Movie: first day 1, 2)



A morning sunrise tour. It gathers at 5:15. It is the sunrise of Dean 45. Sunrise is the same everywhere in the world. I walk a lot more than 3000 steps roundtrip, but I have to breath because there is height. On the way back I left the dunes freely. I have never skated fresh skiing, but I understood the feeling that sand skiing is such a thing. Sand has gone into the pocket behind the pants.

After breakfast, I go to Sosuzusurei. It seems to be a fee-based hiking, but everyone participated. I got on two jeeps. There was Orix in the middle. Probably they are raised for sightseeing. It is a protected area forbidding the use of cars. This hiking was serious. I served as a tenure. I managed to drop off and climb to Pick Papa. When someone enters the ant hill, that person is difficult to crawl. That person seems to be picked up by a helicopter. It is exactly ant hell. “I was a little step forward, a big step forward” I was told many times. It was quite late from the beginning of the group, but because the resilience is slow, I rest a lot of times without impossible. I felt as soon as the gradient became steep. The feet are taken with sand. It consumes physical strength. I heard a guide saying that it is all right.
Arrival at the top. If it takes time, it is not so difficult, but congratulations the person who was ahead. I am not very happy. There was a Korean blogger at the top. They were interviewing women participating from Brazil and Hong Kong, our group members.

Dead Frey has old wood that has died. When the veins change, it dies. There are several kinds of insects that slip into the desert sand. They are all ultra compact. Returning was also serious. I felt like I knew a little about the feeling of those who had gone by in the desert. I ask the accompanying person to divide the water. Myanmar born Bangladesh and Irish women seem to be traveling around the world. In the return jeep, I heard the name Sushi, really Shuichi, but because pronunciation is difficult, because it is said to be sushi, when answering that it was made to sushi, young people in Singapore were talking about how sashimi are. I gnawed the apple on the way home, but the water is more delicious. As I was covered with sand, I took a shower. Hot water came down, so I thought that the water warmed up, but it was hot water. The faucet on the left was for water. Feel good. Lunch is a usual hamburger. It was a milk tea, and supplemented with water. Because the inside of the tent is hot, I crushed the time with a cola etc. at a campsite restaurant. Korean tourists stand out. Because the wifi in the restaurant says it is 50 lands for a fee, I quit.

In the evening I went to see Sesriem Valley. The mountain range of the distant view is the shape of the Gondiana era. I thought that an Irish woman resembled Petra ruins, I had the same impression. Swift’s nest is on the wall. There were a lot in the evening. Tell the guide to the nest and tell him that there were lots of nests on the walls of the Moroccan palace.

You can see the appearance of Babu (monkey). The sunset silhouette is beautiful. When listening to intercultural exchanges of young women, expression seems to be exaggerated, and it seems that there are many expressions such as Wahoo and Oh. Although there were two ladies, they seemed to like political story on the contrary, they were actively asking the guide. I was sleeping in a tent, an Irish woman was singing a song. It was a sad Irish style song. Because Hong Kong and Korea were singing songs of children again in the tent, older women are said to have stopped singing because it is past 9:30. From inside, Hong Kong, because it was private space, but the song stopped. Whew.

(動画二日目 1、2、3)




(動画 夕刻の渓谷散策)


(動画 帰路)

Drive-in which took a break on the way. There were stickers of travel agencies in various places. The revolutionaries seem to be popular, but JTB also had firmly left the alibi.

The car punctured on my way home. It took about an hour to repair. It was a tiresome, so it would have been punctured. There was no big accident and it was good. The tire was Bridgestone, but it was made in China.


(Movie Window Hook 2)



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GOOGLEPHOTOアルバム全体 https:/


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◎11月13日 夕刻メキシコに入国。これで90か国・地域である。とりあえず数え方は数が増加できる方


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🌍🎒シニアバックパッカーの旅 動画で見る世界人流・観光施策風土記 2016年2月 中東・東アフリカ旅行記7 ケニア(国連加盟国73か国目)・ナイロビ

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アルバム2018年9月18~20日 https://photos.google.com/album
