
Eswatini / Swaziland (148) Mozambique (149)    February 22, 23, 2019

公開日: : 最終更新日:2023/05/21 シニアバックパッカーの旅

I arrived at Esuatorini. The fact that the stamp is turned into Swaziland means that the country name change can not be made in time. I paid $ 20 to the driver, because the local currency is troublesome. The hotel has a swimming pool and people are playing outdoor barbecue. Whether it was a Christian gathering, sermons were flowing. However, there is also a flashy photo session, so I do not know well. In any case, it will be a gathering of the local luxury class.

(Mozambique roundtrip)

I took a rest and asked for a car. It is to have you go to Namachaa. A woman at the front says that payment must be on land. However, I heard that the driver from the airport took the dollar and asked for the same driver. The price is the same distance as the airport, so if you are going round trip, you should pay twice. It is enough three until I reach the Mozambique border. On the roadside we saw the children back from school. I have a uniform. When I crossed the border, I told the driver I would return in about 30 minutes.

I have a visa, so I am relieved. I do not mind being asked by staff in the office variously, Mozambique’s border soldiers talk to me variously whether they are free. One of the soldiers says his relatives want cold water. Unfortunately I answer properly that there is no plastic bottle. Naamacha is a border town, and it is unexpectedly beautiful. It is Portuguese style. Flowers are planted.

I will sightsee for a while and then return in reverse. Since my stamp is pushed a lot on my passport, it seems that the clerk does not know where it is pressed. I got to the hotel. I gave the driver 40 euros. I ordered the airport tomorrow morning. I ask you to come at five thirty. It is because you are in trouble like Windhook.

(Esuwatini again)

The hotel has breakfast included. The open will not be on time at half past six. I found a breakfast box. However, saying that I come to the restaurant at 8 o’clock tonight. It was the biggest box ever. I was hungry so I ate it half ahead.

In the evening, there is a mosquito and win insecticide, and paint ointment on arm. It is itchy when it gets stabbed. The room looks luxurious, but the screen door etc is torn. There is no mosquito net. The umbrella of the kitchen light bulb fell down from above and broke. It probably fell by the urge of door opening and closing. Put on a piece of debris to prevent injury. If you do not tell the front desk, you should not be responsible for this.


(Mozambique movie)



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