
The basic viewpoint of discussing Human Logistics and Tourism

公開日: : 最終更新日:2023/05/20 Human LOGISTICS, 人流 観光 ツーリズム ツーリスト

In the process of studying Tourism Studies, consider whether to discuss “観光(tourism)” for what.  Then, we will be forced to consider the difference between “tourism” and “something other than tourism.”  As a result, I would feel the limitations on the use of the lexical “tourism”, I have advocated the use of the lexical “human logistics”.
There is also the concept of using a lexical “ツーリズム” in place of the lexical “観光” in Japan. However, that is not a fundamental solution is as was also described in a separate article.
Example of the use of the lexical “people flow”, the affiliate of the Ministry of Justice Immigration Bureau, have been used in the name of the monthly magazine published from June 1987. Its monthly magazine is a statistical reference manual that focuses on immigration statistics and alien statistics. In affected, “Problems related to international human stream” In 1994 transport White Paper is described.
In addition, researchers have published “the era of international human flow” in 1991 and “human flow of empire to expansion” in 1993.
So far researchers have been using “human flow” among the generally Negative context. “Human flow”, “people flow” and“human stream” are described with using the same Chinese characters. The use of these examples is not a concept, including the accommodation and the like. In the sense that compared to the logistics, including storage, etc., it is necessary to consider Human Logistics concept.

When discussing the human logistics concept that is not limited to the motivation to move the people, no longer inevitable historical recognition problem. Previous studies historical issues, discusses the human logistics around a political issue. On the other hand, for tourism research, there are those related to Manchuria tourism, there are things about the tourism policy of the Governor-General of Korea in colonial Korea. However, it is too depressing to historical recognition problem, etc., we will not find a commonality of the way discussed as a Tourism Studies.
With respect to World Heritage registration of warship Island, also, with respect to the registration of Memory of the World of the “Nanjing Massacre and comfort women”, was developed into a diplomatic issue between Japan and the “China and South Korea.”  Both of which originate from the historic recognition problem. Memory of the World, better expressed as Record of the World is accurate.
Record documents that were judged the Imperial Japanese Army of war crimes will be exhibited in the museum. In consequence, it will be utilized as a tourism resource.”Memory” stimulation intensity is determined by the exposure of the media. You see if accustomed to foreign affairs, irritation increases. As a result, the value as a tourism resource is increased.It is a contradiction. 

“Viewpoint to analyze the force to go to see until moving the people” is separate from the evaluation of historical facts. Movie and drama of war experience have been given to the people of tourism memory resources.  “Casablanca,” “The Bridge on the River Kwai” is typical. “Miss Saigon” is also a recent example. As a result, people will enjoy sightseeing by moving.

As regarding with measurement of force to move this person, , it can be carried out by the number of visitors and the payments. The number of times that appeared in the media can also be recognized as objective ones. With the search of the Asahi newspaper article and Google, it can be grasped. Rather than differences in history recognition, by focusing on the force to move a person, I’m wondering not deepen the discussion.


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シニアバックパッカーの旅 2019年11月19日  小樽~新潟



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