
human geography

公開日: : 最終更新日:2023/05/31 人流 観光 ツーリズム ツーリスト

TVドラマのエレメンタリーホームズandワトソンのなかで、ホームズがhuman geographyという言葉を使用し、その訳として人の移動としていたので、調べてみた。


human geography の定義

the branch of geography dealing with how human activity affects or is influenced by the earth’s surface.

human geography の例

Readers should not turn to these books if they are expecting original essays on key themes in contemporary human geography .

None of these criticisms, however, detract significantly from what is a major contribution to human geography and urban studies.

Additionally, the transformation of the human geography of societies since colonial times makes it harder for the layman in Africa to attach relevance to all the talk of neo-colonialism.

Add a little data storage and we can traverse the terrain of human geography , logging our footprints in the sands of time and recounting the meaning of our passages.

A major branch of study within archaeology that draws on archaeological, historical geography, human geography , ecology, anthropology, and place-name studies.

As West suggests, ‘in the field of human geography it has long been recognized that one’s perception of an area or region will influence one’s desired use for that space.’

His book anticipated some major methodological developments in human geography in the late 1960s and 1970s.

Research in human geography and related environmental disciplines has not always done much better.

There are no street addresses in Iraq because people define the terrestrial geography using human geography .

After completing an honours degree in human geography , Philip managed transport and distribution for a large Sydney-based importer of footwear and other fashion goods.

In contrast with other subareas of the discipline, the human geography of the service sector has often remained curiously undersocialized.

Prefiguring later surges in academic research, he discussed the urban and global spaces of capital, and the politics of human geography .

It has affected the human geography of our place more than any other force.

A quiet and persistent thinking is certainly one virtue that I have tried to exemplify in my own contributions to the field of human geography .

Such an approach would have permitted an analysis of the relationship between levels of homicides and the development of the California economy and human geography .An expert on human geography has demonstrated significant economic roll-on effects from having only three more families in town.The literature reviewed in these papers is diverse and eclectic – ranging from human geography and economics through to tourism and business.The trip combines aspects of physical and human geography .The case study is detailed and will be of interest to those in anthropology, human geography , and related fields.As the great shift from rural to urban living continues, creating alternatives to moving to large urban areas can make a more distributed lifestyle and human geography viable.


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