
Participation in press tour for Jeju (preliminary knowledge)

公開日: : 最終更新日:2017/10/24 人流 観光 ツーリズム ツーリスト

The international tourism situation of Jeju is changing drastically. Anyway, changes in Jeju Island may occur in Japan as well.

Data on international tourism in South Korea in 2017 are on the following website. http://kto.visitkorea.or.kr/eng/tourismStatics/keyFacts/KoreaMonthlyStatistics/eng/inout/inout.kto

This is earlier than the material published by JNTO, and content is substantial.According to this, the number of foreign visitors to Korea has decreased by 22% from 1.147 million to 8.86 million by August, the number of tourists coming from mainland China (5.6 million to 2.9 million people) has great influence.

The number of travelers coming from Japan has increased to 1.5 million from 1.45 million, and the number of travelers from Europe and the United States is also increasing. Therefore, the North Korean problem has not affected tourism as of August. The proportion of mainland Chinese customers who visit Korean visitors is extremely high at 45% at the level of last year is affecting the overall decrease.South Korea’s central daily news reports that the decrease in the Philippines, Indonesia, India, etc. is the influence of the North Korean problem.

First, in Jeju Island’s international tourism policy, the great effect was demonstrated that the authority on immigration control was transferred from the central government to local governments. Based on this, from 2008, the target countries / regions for non-visa entry permit including China have been expanded to 180 countries.
As a result, from 2009 onwards, the number of foreign immigrants entering Jeju Island has increased rapidly. In addition, Jeju Airlines was established as an LCC by Jeju-do and Korean companies in 2005 after the deregulation of the establishment of the Korean government’s airline.Currently, this airline has grown to be the largest LCC in Korea.

Papers that use inbound figures, including visitors from Japan and Korea, respectively, in the comparison of tourists in Japan and Korea are under-analyzed.Previously, there was a description that considered problematic that Korea’s inbound number was larger than Japan.

However, it is natural that the number of Japanese visiting Koreans was large against the background of the appreciation of the yen.
On the contrary, since the number of South Koreans visiting Japan is increasing reflecting the income improvement of Koreans, the number of inbound in Japan is increasing.
In Korea with a population of about 50 million people, 22.4 million people travel overseas in 2016, and 2 people to five people of the citizens are traveling abroad.
This figure greatly exceeds the number traveled by one in seven Japanese citizens.
The Korean people are surprised by the Japanese even in the frequency of domestic travel.

Meanwhile, the number of foreign nationals visiting Korea has also been on the rise. The number of Korean foreign visitors in 2016 is 17.2 million. Its main character is a mainland resident tourist in mainland China, and in 2016 8 million visited Korea.
In Korea, while hoping for the tourism consumption of Chinese tourists, the high dependency on the mainland Chinese resident tourists was a challenge.Furthermore, due to the influence of MERS, the number of foreign visitors to Korea decreased in 2015. Visitors in mainland China accounted for nearly half of the market share, although the rate of decrease was small, many in absolute numbers had a major impact on South Korea. Because it is said that it went to Japan by that amount, it led to the surge of foreign guests in Japan.

The number of cruise customers visiting South Korea has increased to 2.3 million (2016). Even as the number of visitors declined, cruise customers of mainland residents of China increased sharply, exceeding 1.6 million people (2016). The number of cruise customers to Japan has also increased rapidly, but it is 1.1 million (2015), and the main force is the mainland resident of China (and also women), so the opportunities for Korea to call more will be higher.

There are also special measures to eliminate visas for Chinese, and in 2014 the number of Chinese tourists visiting Jeju is rapidly increased. As a result, the land price of Jeju Island suddenly increased. A discussion on the CAP system that limits the number of entrants was reported, affected by the Majorca island in Spain and the Mediterranean.

In addition, contrary to the rapid increase of Chinese tourists, there is a case where the rapid increase of Korean tourists became problematic. The number of Korean visitors to Tsushima shipping by Busan from Shanghai on a one – way ship increased sharply.
Amidst the initial confusion, as a result of local calm response, the weight has shifted to days-day guest measures today.

According to a questionnaire survey conducted by Tsushima International Association, the percentage of day tourists is 58%. Therefore, it is estimated that about 100,000 people are day trips.


Also in Hong Kong, real estate prices are rising due to China’s wealthy people (Toru Kurata / Cheng Yuk Man “Hong Kong” Iwanami Shoten pp 83-84)


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百度検索 https://hotelbank.jp/baidu-2017/ 中国出境游研


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訪韓中国人旅行客の動向 3月は対前年比40%減であるものの、訪韓に占める割合は日本を上回る

本日ようやく韓国の外客数値がネットで公表された。 https://kto.visitkorea.o



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