November 3, 2016 Survey report No.3 on taxi dispatch application and tourism advertisement in New York by Japanese taxi business CEOs
シニアバックパッカーの旅, ライドシェア, 配車アプリ
We visited the New York City Tourism Board.
Due to the policy change of the Mayor of New York, the New York Tourism Bureau seems to be a private outsider group from the direct operation of the city hall. I remember that the governor of Nagano Prefecture of Japan handled the Nagano Prefecture Tourism Association. I remember well as I was COO of the Japan Tourism Association. Governor Tanaka put the staff of the airline company as the head of the Tourism Association and became a reputation in the press. The mayor did the same thing in New York.
It became Uber’s story. According to the received data, both Uber and Lyft are members. The gray line I visited yesterday is also a member. I asked the relationship with Washington and other regions where competing with other regions, but there was not much clearer answer. We will do it jointly, but they should stop by posting even one poster. If you are in the government, you do not think much about cost effectiveness, but it will be even more difficult if you are directly connected to business.
Coincidentally, in the Yahoo News, there was an article saying “Why Airbnb is forbidden in New York where the world’s best hotel fee is high”.I will make you think, so I would like to describe it in detail afterward.Briefly, tourists do not have the right to vote, so even if complaining, the legislators can ignore it. However, local hotel companies have voting rights and can not be ignored. It is a sign of this.
In the afternoon, We visited AIR CHATER TAXI. The head office is in London. It is a company that arranges air transport of man and goods. With offices throughout the world, there are five offices in the United States in the United States. There are 364 employees in all. It seems to have started with two founder from the basement in London. They began arranging for passenger transport from 2004 and passenger sales exceeded half in 2006.The current sales volume is 48 million dollars last year. Because the annual trip is 10,000 times, the cargo is halved, and it is 240,000 yen per time. If it is an order fee it may be highly profitable.Competition is intense and it seems that it is a profit ratio of 5, 6%. They are not actual carriers. It is a forwarder in the field of cargo.
Since it is a travel industry in the field of passengers, Uber is also the same type.It is said that it is used by athletes, entertainers, business owners and professional staff.It is a market that competes with the upper part of the first class of route aviation. They can not target ultra-rich people who can fly around with our own private jet. It seems that it aims at a layer which Qatar and Emirates’ first class can not satisfy. Such a layer will exist in the United States as a business and it will be going around the whole country throughout the whole country.
Narita in Japan finally began to land the private jet. It is interesting that it will be possible for team members to undertake ground arrangement of that layer.However, it seems that it will take time to popularize in the aviation situation in Japan, China will be earlier.In the case of China, it seems that Chinese capital and overseas Chinese capital are likely to start rather than American western capital.Mr. Nemoto who has a pilot license was eagerly asked questions. I’d love to connect with new business.
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