
London Car Dispatch App Report ⑥  Expectation to the birth of Human Logitics Company Through Car Dispatch App

公開日: : 最終更新日:2023/05/20 ライドシェア, 配車アプリ

The word ”human logistics” which is newly coined by myself, is constantly chasing the world of physical logistics. Shipping alliance collapsed with the advent of container, and huge shipping alliances beyond the border has been emerged. Aviation community has been chasing the world of international shipping. After IATA fare regime collapsed and LCC has appeared, the concept of nationality has been changing. This situation can be easily convinced once you understand the international shipping.

At the age of Hashimoto Ryutaro Cabinet, when the Japanese government had summarizes the logistics measures Charter, supply chain management and third-party logistics were buzzword. Visited London today, with the advent of even car dispatch application in the world of human logistics, it was noticed that the term of third-party is beginning to appear. It is the emergence of car dispatch application business, the global strategic is becoming divided key things of logistics companies and the like. Logistics companies with power, by making full use of IT, through the weapon of planning ability and financial strength and sales force, put under the control the physical handling company and has been international expansion. I can say that there is Amazon in the vertex. Yamato book service that Masao Ogura has created, despite was established in 1986 that prior to the Amazon, had been quickly overtaken.



Human logistics companies that flesh-and-blood human beings to opponent, did not go to as physical logistics up to this. However, the spread of smartphones is while allowing the emergence of third-party in the world of human logistics. Incorporating under the site company, such as restaurants, airlines, bus, taxi, hotel, it will go now to the global expansion. By analyzing the vast human logistics information, the algorithm for a service that meets the needs of users, yet can be provided proactively is required. Fund in the world will to invest in companies that had a planning skills and technology and financial power that created the algorithm. Already in Google have appeared the signs.

When Human logistics third-party with the power to come out, the end user is not a contract of carriage on the problem, presenting a claim to subject the human logistics third-party. Media also support it. Exactly Uber, sometimes its topic was preceded, has been pursue social responsibility to mismanagement of the driver, it is than by that.



When Japanese overseas travelers increased, accident of Japanese travelers abroad has been frequently. Japanese pack travel product provider, but was denied its responsibility in court, did not go so social. Government is to amend the travel industry agreement, as travel companies take a special compensation responsibility and itinerary guarantee responsibility, was institutional reforms. In the international community, will the same thing is to be asked in the future human logistics third party companies. Is a large development as an international human logistics companies if possible development until there.

Suica, non-contact-type prepaid card, JR East has developed also was intended to go ahead as human logistics company. Hopefully it is something that I want you to overseas expansion. Since London car dispatch app business is considered an international strategy as a network, is investors gather. In wake of the Tokyo Olympics, to a dedicated overseas tourists, and whether it is to sell a ride unlimited service with Suica between Narita and Haneda.

This is to the foothold of overseas expansion. In China and India, there are infinite railway demand. Human logistics companies that do not lose to the United States and Europe, I hope sincerely that the birth from Japan.


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   We went to the New York Times. In the New York


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1 Appearance of the sharing economy theory 1)Shar


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