
Madagascar · Antananarivo (145) February 16th – 18th, 2019

公開日: : 最終更新日:2023/05/21 シニアバックパッカーの旅

 Because I had a visa, I could enter the country easily as I was beat fast. I also grasp the pickup driver soon. Just because it is a guide driver, there seems to be a different fee from the inn, so tomorrow we picked up on coming home in Comoros and included sightseeing in the city, which cost me 30 dollars.

The hotel was supposed to be near the airport. However, it was supposed to take 18 minutes on foot when looking at the GOOGLE map after arrival. The address of Booking.com is mistaken as it becomes inside the airport when looking at GoogleMAP. I thought that it was funny, but as long as the hotel is away from the airport, I would have found no unless I had pick up. It probably will be intentional. There is no indication of the hotel. Because it is a small mansion house, it is a inn. The hotels around are displaying properly. But they are trying hard. A youthful woman who seemed to be family was on a fashionable mini car. There was a tenement in the premises, guards and others could live. I have also experienced many in-house trips, and it seems to be predictable.

At 6 o’clock breakfast the employee will prepare, but it seems that bread has not arrived yet. Finally the woman brought it from the outside. Well, it’s okay because I have time. It is a single road to the airport. It does not start with enough, 2,500 steps. Buses carrying both people and cargo are running.

(Movie 1: the first day of Antananariv)


The place of airport security is a long line of people with big baggage. A man called a change and came approaching. He gave me a departure card. For me, he interrupted the row. It is easy because there is no luggage, but I was saved. I handed out a chip for 1 dollar, but it seems to be insufficient. But he gave up. Check-in was easy. I also got my return boarding pass. Because I received my immigration card, I did not have to take it separately from a man. Is the chip interrupt fee? Secured for return. Everyone is desperate for life. Passport control takes time.
Madagascar Airlines is not well-known for writing on the net. How pretty awesome. In preparation for emergency baggage, I brought only what I needed for Nambia as it was. I was supposed to go directly to Namibia when I could not return to Madagascar in Comoros. After that I left something I can not throw away. Because the backpack is light, I have to think more about the next trip. The hotel fee is cash payment and has not paid yet.

The cabin is full. Luggage is also overflowing. The staff counts as many people as possible. Three times just to confirm. Air conditioning is not working inside the cabin. There is no in-flight magazine in the seat pocket. The display is English main, French, Chinese,? What? word. I feel the power of China. I understand the meaning of kanji.

Cars, smartphones, bread, butter, cheese, juice, cola, coffee, tea are the same all over the world.

(Antananariv city center)

The comoros are described on the next page.

I started early from Comoros, so I arrived at the Antananarivo early 30 minutes. I got an entry form in the plane. At the airport exit, I could not find a promised guide / driver. Because I have time, I went on foot to the inn. I made a phone call to the road, but I could not make myself understood. I had my phone call at the inn.
 The car was four WD. He ought to have borrowed a car, he says he wants to possess it. He is 44 years old and is the father of a 13 year-old girl and a zero-year old boy. He has not made a facebook yet, but he says to contact me as he makes it.

Because it is Sunday, the road was not crowded. It is a peaceful paddy landscape. Families are gathering near the artificial lake. There are many shops, but there is only a car to access, a row of parking along the road.

Approaching the city center. It took less than 20 minutes. It is written as one hour in the guidebook ‘How to walk the earth’. Taxi was also $ 20. There is atmosphere which was still colonial of the West. I think that the train does not run at the Antananariv station at the origin of the independent boulevard, but on the map it is a railroad mark. The hotel de France, which initially considered accommodation, was closed and garbage had accumulated when closely watching. I could not make a reservation on the street. It seems that the guide and driver did not know about that. His friend worked there.

Many buildings have aged. It was left as it was after the fire. However, the city itself was vibrant and the open air was full of busts. The house of the tile roof at the Anara Kelly Market, which is a tourist attraction, was unique. In the guide book, they were described as colorful, but they were rather brown orthodox feeling. I went to Aschi Lake. It is beautiful when taken in a picture, but garbage is scattered when approaching. I headed for the hotel at dusk. I gave it 40 dollars including the chip.

I did an electronic check-in of South African Airlines. I could check in from Johannesburg to Windhoek. However, I could not check in from Antananariv to John. Certainly, this airline could not book airline tickets. So, I made a reservation from Wikipedia. Because the Star Alliance number was registered, I planned to check in at the counter the next day.

In the bed, wifi’s radio waves were weak, and we used the mobile phone in the lobby. I felt itching as described in the Guidebook “How to walk the earth”. There seems to be a mite. I pulled an ointment. There were no mosquitoes. At night, I opened the door of the room, put the smartphone where the radio waves arrived, so I could back up the photos, I went to bed.

DoCoMo’s inexpensive packet communication became connectable when entering the country. However, if I used the hotel wifi, then I switched off wifi but it did not lead to cheap packet communication. After turning off the power and retrying it went well. I made connections because it is troublesome.

The accommodation facilities are impressive. I wonder if someone who is an asset owns it for inn. Nearby hotel has a sign, but here is not. A Western couple also stayed. There are three rooms in the hotel, and there was one room of Annex. Residential houses such as gatekeepers were also installed at the fence. The facility was surrounded by a steel wire net. The view was good, the control tower of the airport could be seen, Pokemon and Dragon Ball were televised.

(Movie 2: Antananariv Day 2)


(Departing from Madagascar)

Although arrived earlier, airport security does not start accepting. I was done again for an hour. There was an announcement, work finally started. There is no waiting room. Meanwhile, the staff seemed to be playing. I photographed it secretly with video. Video image has no shutter sound. However, it is totally no problem compared to congestion last morning. Two Americans were waiting. They say they are in Madagascar for two weeks. When I asked if Baobab street was good, it was said that it was useless in the rainy season by the flood. They seem to have traveled in Japan.
The plane ‘s schedule was shown as on – time.

There was a problem with immigration. I have multiple visas but the clerk can not understand these and order me to show the air ticket. I can not understand this because I have a boarding pass. Ultimately, I decided to open a smartphone to the responsible person of the woman who was in a separate room and to show the tickets of the Expedition. I thought this was an airline ticket, but I thought it was a troublesome thing because it should be unknown because it is Japanese, but the responsible person smiled and understood because it was written numerals etc. The point is that what I went to Comoros on a day trip exceeded the understanding of the two people at the scene, but I think that it is no problem if I look at the date of the stamp here. The boss of the immigration officer would have set up the agent’s staff.

An email saying that the credit card used for the hotel in Esuatini has expired came from Booking.com. All visa card deadlines are in January this year. However, it should be automatically extended until 2024. There are no such complaints from other hotels. I hesitated to notify the booking number to the booking com, but I also asked for pickup, so I entered it. Since the completion mail came, it probably is not a fraud. However, because there was an example preceding phishing scams, I thought that it was necessary to investigate the card claim later.

All of this trip is finished with a smartphone. As I got used to it, I did not use tablets. It was warmed before entering the waiting room of the airport. I just applied the equipment to the forehead. The crew rolled insecticide before take-off. You should keep in mind the safety.
In case。

The clerk announced that the airline company failed in the weight and balance, and some people in the front seats moved to the back seat. My first experience. However, the announcement that takeoff is delayed if you do not move your seat is a problem. If so, airlines should balance well when checking in. However, when I saw the inside of the plane, there were many vacant seats as I remained. You can see it when you see the picture. The Americans moved to the back seat.


🌍🎒シニアバックパッカーの旅 2023年2月26日~3月2日 サウジアラビア(国連加盟国162か国目) ジェッダ



🌍🎒2024シニアバックパッカー地球一周の旅 2024.2.11~13 モーリタニア(国連加盟国171か国目)到着ビザ  



🌍👜シニアバックパッカーの旅 ② 2月12日(月)~13日(火)⑿ルイジアナ州ニューオリンズとマルデグラ



🌍👜シニアバックパッカーの旅 2018.8.11 バスク(🏳‍🌈㉒自治区) パンプローナ、サン・セバスチャン、ビルバオ

 〇パンプローナ サラゴサ17:29発パンプローナ19:22着 Alvia530 2号車5


🌍🎒シニアバックパッカーの旅 2018年9月23日 ソウル 北村韓屋村、清渓川、敵産遺産にソウル駅

仁川から金浦へのトランジット  交通機関が便利になると、単純なトランジットではない


🌍🎒シニアバックパッカーの旅 2016年2月 中東・東アフリカ旅行記9 エチオピア(国連加盟国75か国目)・アジスアベバ

2月16日~18日エチオピア・アジスアベバ   いよいよ最後の旅行である。ジュピターホテルは無料


🌍🎒シニアバックパッカーの旅 2019.09.29 PNIからNANへ

2019.09.29  ポンペイオからマジェロへ 朝二時半起床。車で空港。ユナイテッドの


🌍🎒シニアバックパッカーのへ道 1981年 米国⑵ニューヨーク、⑶ワシントン ⑷バージニア州ウィリアムスバーグ、⑸イリノイ州シカゴ、⑹ハワイ州ホノルル



no image

🌍🎒シニアバックパッカーの旅 2023年4月23日 モンタルチーノ

  モンタルチーノ(未定稿) Facebook 当初の計画ではモンタルチーノは考えていなかった。


🗾🎒シニアバックパッカーの旅 尾国国次氏と真鶴へ

