
Seychelles (142)       15th – 16th February 2019

公開日: : 最終更新日:2023/05/21 シニアバックパッカーの旅

I took off Addis Ababa, flew over Somalia, and arrived at Seychelles. It is a moving picture during that time.


According to the immigration review, as it is reputed on the net, it was said to show the flight tickets and departure flights. Although I have been promoted by the Seychelles Tourism Bureau to be held in Tokyo, for the tourist resort, it is a lot of chaotic correspondence.

It was said that the backpack was to be scolded. Since I ate an apple in the cabin, there was no violation of the oath on animals and plants, but the butter that was burned in the cabin was put in the back with the bread. How about this? I did not say anything. Long ago, in Chile, I thought about eating later, and sometimes I put back the apple I got in the lounge. It is because it was written as a vag. Since then, I have been paying attention when there are descriptions of animals and plants on entry cards. If there is no card, it is only necessary to discard it on the spot if it is pointed out, but there is a possibility that it may be troublesome if signing up. I exchange money at the airport. Because it is a small amount of 2 dollars, I go to the counter. Because I need a bus fare. The inn is nearby, but it was said that the old aunt who heard it is not understood, do not know, for a while thought, but I thought that it was not so different, it was near, as soon as I heard the path, it was near you (see picture) . When I listen to the bus time at the front desk it is said to be one full three. However, I felt like I was waiting at the bus stop, it is one in ten minutes. It is an advanced country that can move by public transport. This trip was only with the Dubai railroad and the Seychelles bus, all the rest were taxi service.

There was an article on the net that Seychelles Airways had many cancellation without notice. I was concerned about the reconfirmation at the inn. However, on the eve, Seychelles Airlines sent me an email with instructions for online check-in. I was relieved if I did not worry about this, but there was a problem with the name input function, I could not enter. I have experienced similar things. I remembered that experience, I wrote it in a word, I input it by copy and paste. It will be somehow.

The room was a long stay type. There were two bedrooms in the living room and kitchen, bathroom. 70 euros a day will be the price of this neighborhood. I think that it is bigger than national strength. If you say you pay to the staff by credit, it is good to pay for dollars with credit, which is said to be 102 dollars. Euro is the exchange rate of 1.13. It would be such a thing. The room is not in the net environment. Although it was extraordinary, the front of the room was a public place in the wifi environment. Open the window and hold the smartphone connected to WIFI. I uploaded the photos I took. For some reason, I got a signature that I could not upload several sheets.

The bus fee was 7 rupees per way. The bus was nearly full, but she was seated. Driving is quite violent. The road is crowded, but until Victoria, the society was clear and fun. It was in the center. The feeling of the city resembled the city of the Caribbean. People are mostly Creole. I saw the bus terminal, clock tower, market, church, Hindu temple, and also got on the bus. It would be natural to have a lot of fish in the market. On the way back, I stayed at home. I checked my position on the map of the smartphone, and when I came near the airport, I stopped the car. I was in the back of the bus, so I was impatient to get off but I got off safely.

The next day, I went to the airport store to buy breakfast at half past six in the morning. It seems that there are many early morning flights. Employees of a famous travel agency were waiting for a lot. I bought croissants and chocolate cake and coffee and paid ten dollars. The water of PET bottle I bought yesterday was 2 dollars. Since the bus goes back and forth to Victoria for 1 dollar, it is a country that relies on imports, compared to it, prices are expensive.

I checked out and went to the embarkation gate, but I went to security on the domestic line. Even in the case of an on-line check-in by a staff member, a paper boarding pass is necessary, and it is said to be no good in a smartphone. This makes no sense during congestion. It was online check-in, which was 90 minutes late than usual two hours ago, but no passengers other than me. However, as I entered the cabin, it was nearly full. I guess there are many group customers. I got on board and found out the arrival time, but my watch was Ethiopian time. If I thought it was nine o’clock, it was ten o’clock. It is 9:45. It’s time to get in time for the deadline of 10 o’clock, because it’s already checked in, but it’s dangerous. I thought that take-off was too early and it was a problem, but that was not the case. It is the first time that smartphone’s clock was not updated automatically. Normally it is automatically updated. This is also a lesson of future travel. Yesterday I did not notice because the one hour difference did not matter. There is no seat number on paper boarding passes. There must be a seat by the window, but there is a person. But since the neighbor was free, he could have been appropriate as well. Looking at the seat about the smartphone, it was 7F instead of 13F. 7 was more relaxed but there was no choice. 13 seems to be a security number, but its meaning is unknown.



🌍🎒 🚖シニアバックパッカーの旅 ロンドン配車アプリ調査報告①~初めに~きっかけとねらい 2015年3月

○空港での衝撃 英国は国連加盟国4か所目の国である。1970年の中国(香港、台湾)、1973年


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Facebook投稿文 2024.2.21.昨日から丸一日ダカール空港。朝食は5000XO


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🌍🎒シニアバックパッカーへの道 1995年 国際船舶制度調査➂ ドイツ(国連加盟国21か国目)

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