Analysis and Future Considerations on Increasing Chinese Travelers and International Travel & Human Logistics Market ⓫
X The direction Japan should take in the global travel market around the mainland China
1 Mainland China mainland visitors
Table 11-1 shows the forecasts of the number of departures from Asia and the Pacific countries MasterCard entitled “The Future of Outbound Travel in Asia / Pacific”. It can be understood from this table that the prerequisites of each region are different and mutual comparison is difficult. Already the announcement of the number of ASEAN countries leaving the country in 2014 alone exceeded expectations, only Japan is below.
The results of the survey on foreign places that MasterCard wants to visit (Table 11-2) are easy to understand even with Japanese common sense, and London, Paris and New York are longing for the Far East Asia. As residents of the Far East, Beijing, Seoul, etc. can not be a city of yearning. As the trends of visitors from mainland China all affect the figures, the number of visitors to London, Paris and New York has increased significantly, and the world travel market will be influenced by the trend of mainland Chinese customers. Therefore, in the reports of each country, we are stepping into the content analysis of Mainland China. It will be natural if the number of arrivals increases and the amount of consumption increases. Naturally, in Australia and New Zealand, it is increasingly being investigated until visiting for what visitors from China are most. As a result, we are beginning to understand that residents of mainland China are of course not only holiday, but also that VFR is more frequent in repeaters.
2 Mainland China and Japan
Table 11-3 shows the ratio of US travelers in each country in North America and Latin America, centering on the Caribbean called the American Garden. If the income level of mainland China improves, as in the Caribbean garden, the regions around mainland China will be the garden of China. Naturally, it is expected that the number of mainland Chinese customers who visit Japan will also rise sharply. Even now, South Korea’s mainland customer ratio of the mainland has reached nearly half, and if the number of foreign visitors, which is Japan’s target of 40 million foreigners, is achieved, the proportion of customers in mainland China in Japan will be expected by Western customers in long halls Can not. The goal can not be attained unless the mainland Chinese customers reach about 10 to 15 million people.
As a matter of course, the growth of Chinese customers has a major impact on the travel system in the surrounding areas including the Japanese. Phenomena such as the sudden increase in number of visitors to sightseeing spots and the like which are talked about in mainland China as well as the busy period of the season such as the spring season will occur frequently. It is not the ratio of NHK’s river drama phenomenon. The influence of Japanese media traveling will decrease accordingly. Also, in travel and settlement habits, the domestic tourism industry can not secure competitiveness unless it handles mainland Chinese customers. Arrangements for traveling will also result in the presence of sightseeing spots of Japan and other neighboring countries on the extension of huge Chinese domestic demand. Like the industries that have been protected by the Japanese barrier so far, the tourism industry will also enter the world where the Japanese barrier disappears. Conversely, the problem of accepting Chinese tourists at the time of the occurrence of avian influenza in the mainland of China in a Japanese tourist spot where the dependency rate of visitors from mainland China increased was a big problem shaking the local economy Will. We should be aware of that goal is 40 million foreigners and 80 million people goals. Unlike loose characters and class B gourmet, this is exactly a tourism policy
Analysis and Future Considerations on Increasing Chinese Travelers and International Travel & Human Logistics Market (1)②
Ⅲ HUMAN LOGOSTICS in the Far East region 1 Far E
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P80~ 文学部の講義は法学部より難しい。学問の体系ができていないうえに、文学は創作、鑑賞すべきも
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Analysis and Future Considerations on Increasing Chinese Travelers and International Travel & Human Logistics Market ⑨
VIII Caribbean cruise and the United States 1 Ove
Analysis and Future Considerations on Increasing Chinese Travelers and International Travel & Human Logistics Market ⑦
Ⅵ Canada and Mexico 1 Canada ~ Travel overseas th
Analysis and Future Considerations on Increasing Chinese Travelers and International Travel & Human Logistics Market (1)③
3 Mainland China and the fate community of Hong Ko
Analysis and Future Considerations on Increasing Chinese Travelers and International Travel & Human Logistics Market (1)➀
Ⅰ It is national income, not the number of foreign
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TTRA発表2015年12月5日 Future Direction of Tourism Policy Studies in Japan
Future Direction of Tourism Policy Studies in Japa