
Analysis and Future Considerations on Increasing Chinese Travelers and International Travel & Human Logistics Market ⑨

公開日: : Human LOGISTICS

VIII Caribbean cruise and the United States
1 Overview of the Caribbean countries and tourism

A cruise ship can only be defined as a passenger ship of occasional freight forwarding. It is difficult to define with ship size etc. For Caribbean cruises it will be discussed for convenience in accordance with the classification of the Florida · Caribbean · Cruise Association.
Looking at the map that includes almost all calling points of the Caribbean cruise, the size is comparable to the size of the East China Sea and the South China Sea. If the Caribbean is the backyard of the United States, the era of the East China Sea and the South China Sea may be the backyard of China.
On the population size overview of the Caribbean islands (Table 8-1), over three million Cuba and Dominican republics are distinguished, and over one million areas are Puerto Rico, Jamaica and Trinidad de Baco . In the Caribbean countries there are many rich islands, districts with per capita GDP exceeding 30,000 dollars are the US Virgin Islands and the British Virgin Islands, with the Cayman Islands in excess of $ 60,000. Although many are in the $ 20,000 range, there are few tourist destinations such as St. Vincent · Grenada, Dominica, the Dominican Republic, Jamaica as the area of ​​less than 10,000 dollars.
The number of international passengers arriving in the Caribbean countries totaled 22.44 million people, including air and sea, totaled 27 billion US dollars, strongly more than 1200 dollars per person (2014) (Table 8-2). According to “ECONOMIC CONTRIBUTION OF CRUISE TOURISM TO THE DESTINATION ECONOMIES” announced by the Florida · Caribbean · Cruise Association, the number of cruising customers is 35 ports (excluding Cuba) during the year from May 2014 to April 2015, The total number of visitors was 23,624, 500. A total of 4,503,300 crewmembers visits will be added to this. In the definition of UNWTO statistics, those who stay for more than one day are regarded as arrival passengers, and cruise customers do not include substantial numbers. For example, the arrival number of Antigua and Barbuda is 249 (thousand) in 2014 in the UNWTO statistics, and this number is consistent with the number of air passengers (Stop-over), so the number of Cruise Passenger is included There is no such thing.
The calling point of the islands of the Caribbean cruise, except Cuba, is a member of the Florida-Caribbean Cruise Association. Tourism is a major industry in these areas, and more than 30% of foreign currency income is brought by tourism (Table 8-5). For this reason, the Caribbean countries jointly established the West Indies University University in 1948 for the education of tourism workers, and have also prepared educational instruction books for teachers to promote tourism education.
The ranking of the number of caribbean cruises does not match the order of the arrival number of aircraft (Table 8-5). There are seven places such as the Bahamas and Cozumel (Mexico) where the number of arrivals of cruising customers in more than 1 million is 2014. Regions with more than 1 million aircraft arrivals are the Dominican Republic 5.14 million, Cuba 3 million They are people etc. Since the top countries of international tourism revenue (Table 8-3) are in the order of Dominican Republic, Bahamas, Cuba, Jamaica and Aruba, the number of air passengers is affected by tourism income. For example, in the Bahamas, air passengers consume $ 1500 per capita while cruise passengers cost $ 80. The length of stay in the Caribbean is from 6 days to 10 days (Table 8-4), but these are mainly by aircraft visitors.
According to the Florida-Caribbean Cruise Association document, the average per-capita stay time per port is 4 to 5 hours, total expenditure is US $ 2.5 billion for passengers and US $ 300 million for employees. The expenditure per passenger is 104 US dollars. Breakdown is 30% watch · jewelry (Table 8-6). The average cruise ship (Table 8-7) drawn by the association is 3,500 people, the crew is 1,400 people, the landing customers per port is 3640 including the crew, consuming only about 100 dollars per capita, total 36 It is an image that consumes ten thousand dollars. The accommodation expense of the home port is less than half, and the total spending amount is small. There are a few destinations such as Bahamas, Cosmill etc. where more than half of people are more than half, and the proportion of the first destination is about 60% on the whole. Total consumption by destination is over 70 million dollars, the second largest Puerto Rico exceeds 40 million dollars, Cosmil 34 million dollars, Cayman 30 million dollars and more than 10 million dollars (Table 8 – 8 is for passengers).
2 Caribbean tourism with high dependence on the US
According to the Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO), the regional international organization of the Caribbean, the 2014 Caribbean tourism trend (February 10, 2015), tourists of the same year increased by 1.3 million from the previous year to 26.3 million , And half reported that about 13 million people are resident in the United States. Arrival passengers in the Dominican Republic are mainly aircraft, not cruise customers, but Americans make up 35% of the total, travelers from major European countries have arrived in addition to Canada just because it is a tourist destination (Table 8-9, Table 8-10).
Expansion of aircraft networks and port development promoted cruise expansion by 50 nationwide states and all Canada. Due to the development of a new departure / arrival port, the choice of travelers has increased whether to use aircraft to arrival and departure ports or by car. According to the 2008 survey, 72% of Americans have announced that they will take a cruise because there is a port close to home. According to the statistics of 2008, 89.6 million (68.6% of the total) out of the 1.305 million cruise population participated in cruises from the ports in the US, 57% of which were concentrated in Florida. In other words, less than 70% of the US cruise is a domestic trip. In addition, among the 13.05 million people, the number of people living in the US was 9.29 million, 71.1% of the total, with the proportion of foreigners being about 30%.
The transformation of the image of the US cruise has been particularly intense for the last ten years. According to the Cruise Market Profile (2014) conducted by the Cruise Ship International Association (CLIA), the average age of cruise participants across the country in this year was 49 years, the average household income was 114,000 dollars, and the retirement age ratio It was 21%, and the repeaters were as high as 60%. Half of the cruise days were 6 to 8 days, average travel expenses per person (including cruise fee, air ticket and shipboard spending) was $ 2,200. 80% of the participants are couples. In this way cruise is getting rid of some wealthy trips.
3 People and sightseeing in major Caribbean areas
(1) Antigua and Barbuda

It consists of Antigua and Barbuda Island, etc., and the population is 80,000 people, so it is about the same as the sum of Miyakojima and Ishigakijima (104,000 people). The per capita GDP is also about 15,000 dollars, which is somewhat less than Miyakojima and Ishigaki about 2 million yen. Of the 800,000 overseas travelers, there are 550,000 cruise ships. However, having nearly 20,000 people coming by yacht represents the thickness of the British and American marine leisure layers in the Caribbean. There are 250,000 aircraft customers, 80 thousand from the United States, 70 thousand from the UK and still a country of the Commonwealth of the United Kingdom. The average number of days stayed by tourists is less than 10 days, 70% of those staying at hotels and others are, but there are also many residential users by Booking.Com etc. Comparing the number of travelers, the Sakishima Islands are blessed because the number of tourists arriving at Ishigaki is about 1 million and Miyakojima is about 500,000 people.
(2) Bahamas
The 1.4 million ha area of ​​the Bahamas is larger than Jamaica, but it is a sum of many small islands. The population of the country is one hundred thousand smaller than that of Jamaica, but the annual income per capita is 23 thousand dollars, which has the same income as the Japanese region. Although sales are on a downward trend, there are revenues from casino projects exceeding 10 billion yen (Table 8-12). About 80% of the accommodation travelers from overseas abroad of nearly 1.4 million people are Americans per year. Transportation means 1.1 million people are air way. Therefore, cruise ship is not a big destination, but travel revenue is large (Table 8-13). The arrival number of private aircraft and sailboat stand side by side with the cruise ship (Table 8-14). With the spread of the ESTA system in the US, you can enter the US at Nassau Airport before boarding.
(3) Jamaica
The population of Jamaica is 2.7 million people, the area is 1000 ha, which is the size of the big prefecture in Japan. But per capita GDP is as low as 5000 dollars. Two million people traveling abroad from 2014 (60% in the US, 20% in Canada), the actual expenditure is 2.2 billion US dollars, 122 dollars per person per day. There are as many as 1.5 million visitors due to cruising, although there are foreign currency income of $ 30 million per year, it is $ 82 per person per day.

(4) Cayman Islands
The Cayman Islands is a British Autonomous Region with a population of 60 thousand, located 200 km off the sea distance from Jamaica. It is famous as a tax heaven, but although the weight of non-Cayman people is high (Table 8-15), the per capita GDP is prominently as high as 62,100 dollars. Aircraft passengers with high unit cost of consumption visit about 400,000 people, staying on average 8.7 days. Cruise passengers are 1.7 million and the fifth largest port of call for Caribbean cruises (Table 8-16).
(5) Cuba
In the United States there are policy special cases, and in 2010 there were about 1.8 million Cuban immigrants. According to the enforcement of the new immigration law in Cuba in 2013, it is reported that 200 thousand people returned home. The number of Americans who entered Cuba the same year is also 92,000 (Table 8-18).
Because the US government has imposed Cuba the global economic sanction law, which is said to be the most challenging in the world such as the Helms-Barton Act, Cuba’s nominal GDP per capita is approximately $ 7,700 (Table 8- 17). Federal law prohibited US citizens from traveling for sightseeing purposes, and credit cards, travel insurance, internet reservation, which is an important means of human trafficking, could not be used by US companies. However, President Obama launched an improvement of relations with Cuba on December 17, 2014 (D-17), and restored diplomatic relations in July 2015. Therefore, the share of the tourism and tourism industry in Cuba’s GDP is currently low (Table 8-5) and international tourism revenue was also about 2.5 billion dollars (2011) (Table 8-19), but future growth Be expected. Regarding the terms used in Cuba tourism, the terms used are as follows: Family Reunification tourists, Sun, Sea and Sand tourists, “Snow-bird” tourists, Retirement tourists, Medical tourists, Convention tourists, Cultural and Sport tourists, Educational tourists, “March – Breaker” tourists, “curiosity tourism” are really varied. Conversely, neighboring countries tend to be nervous as much as expected. It is anxiety which comes from the high weight of the tourism industry in neighboring countries (Table 8-5) that the weight of the United States is high (Table 8-11). As a result, there are moves to tackle Chinese tourists as new tourist attraction targets.

 3 Japanese eyes looking for 3 cruises

The number of foreign passengers, mainly in mainland China entered by cruise ship to Japan, is about 170,000 in 2013, about 1.12 million in 2015, 1.7 million in 2016, following 2.2 million in Korea Increase. Far Eastern cruises are at a similar distance from the Caribbean cruises including Cuba, Bahamas, Jamaica, Cozill and others. Typhoons and hurricane attacks are also common obstacles. Therefore, if users of Chinese mainland residents who generate huge demand corresponding to Americans are raised, it can be expected to develop into a big industry like Caribbean cruises.
According to the consumption trend survey of Chinese tourists who accounted for over 90% of foreign cruise passengers who came to Hakata Port, the average consumption per person was 107,000 yen, supporting the actual situation of “bombings”. First place of purchased items is cosmetics, second place is health food


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