Analysis and Future Considerations on Increasing Chinese Travelers and International Travel & Human Logistics Market ⑦
Ⅵ Canada and Mexico
1 Canada ~ Travel overseas than interstate travel ~
(1) Status of Canadian residents abroad
Residents in Canada love to travel. Frequent frequency of domestic and overseas travel. Canadian residents go out to travel abroad about once a year. We also do domestic travels about three times a year, and because it is about 8 nights average on average, it is a trip of two or three nights per trip.
The United States is overwhelmingly visited by Canadian residents to stay abroad, and VFR’s weight is high for visiting purposes. I also go to Hawaii and the Caribbean Sea to avoid cold weather in winter. Behaviors at the travel destination, while staying long as 1 trip average 10 days, staying in China and Australia is particularly long. While the average consumption per trip is around 1 000 CA $, the consumption in Australia and the mainland of China is prominently more than 2,000 CA $. However, if you spend the night you spend, it converges on average around 100 CA $
(2) Conditions of visitors to Canada
About 70% of visiting visitors are from the United States, probably a considerable percentage of day tripers. Consumption trends in Canadian visitors, like the consumption of residents in Canada, are not greatly fluctuating around 10 CA $ per night, but the expenditure of visitors from Australia and China will increase, reflecting long-term stay . Australians are the largest consumer per trip, and the mainland Chinese customers do not necessarily have the bombing phenomenon. Although it is the accommodation situation of visitors, Americans are relatively short period, others are long-term, visitors from India and China stay for more than 30 days. There are variations in consumption trends depending on visits to the United States, Australia, Switzerland, Japan, and China, Korea and Hong Kong are lower.
(3) Interstate travel and domestic travel
We are publishing interstate travel statistics. It is surprising that the interstate travel ratio is one order of magnitude smaller than that of overseas trips (Table 6-2), which shows traveling behavior of the United States closer than other distant states.
Domestic travel expenditure per resident in Canada is less than in developed European countries and the United States (Table 5-13). Mexico and mainland China have about the same GDP per capita, but travel expenditure per capita is nearly three times that of Mexico.
2 Mexico ~ Effectiveness of the fence of the border ~
Mexico also accounts for about 30%, if not high, in Canada (45%), as a percentage of travelers of US residents is high. The number of day trip guests also contrasts with 64% of the total, in contrast to Canada (35%). Visitors have an average of 2.4 nights.
More than 150 thousand US dwellers per day exceed the Mexican border. Many Americans are murdered each year, the US government has issued Mexico Travel Warning a number of times and restricts private travels beyond Mexico and the Central American border by car to government officials. Meanwhile, the Mexican government said that there were no attacks aimed at resident in the United States.
In 2014, 25.9 million people, including day trips, arrived in Mexico from the United States. According to the Mexican bank survey, it has increased by 24% from the previous year. However, travelers who stay over the border further increased by 41%. Passengers by aircraft are also 7.1 million (Table 6-3). The difference from Table 6-4 is the arrival from land and sea. Assuming that there are many day-back customers for cruise customers, more than 20 million people are arrivals by car and the advice of the US government is not so much penetrated.
Peso depreciation is the cause of the rise in US travelers. The dollar rate against the 1993 level is a situation in which the average rate for 2016 has decreased by an order of magnitude (Table 6-4). The number of tourists has increased rapidly in the past two years.
Mexico with the same population as Japan has a per capita GDP less than a third of Japan, but the departure rate exceeds Japan. Geographical conditions are also affecting, but visits by relatives are greater than that. Furthermore, when counting day trips, half of the Americans who have a large area are traveling abroad once a year, and 70% of the Mexican people are going abroad as well.
Analysis and Future Considerations on Increasing Chinese Travelers and International Travel & Human Logistics Market (1)➀
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