アメリカの人流ではメキシコ、カナダ以外の地域をoverseas countries と分類して、その地域から者を別の外国人旅行者としている。似たような発想に基づく統計は、シンガポール、マレーシア間でも行っている。両国は同じ国であった時代もあった。香港・マカオ(SAR)、台湾と中国本土の人流統計関係は政治的な理由もあるが、統計を別にする。台湾では華僑旅客と外籍旅客に分類するから、同胞意識が日本人よりも強いのかもしれない。VFRとしての旅行原因にはなる。外国人旅行者として増加させたい日本で、こういう発想ができる時代はいつ来るのであろうか。可能性が高いのは、九州と韓国、沖縄南西諸島と台湾の間で日帰り客のウェイトが高まった場合であろう。
The U.S. resident outbound market totaled 74.0 million in 2015, up nine percent from 2014. Travel to overseas countries (32.8. million) increased seven percent, to Canada (12.5 million) up eight percent and travel to Mexico (28.7 million), singly the largest outbound market, was up 11 percent. The top five destination countries visited by U.S. residents in 2015 were: Mexico (28.7 million) and Canada (12.5 million), followed by the overseas countries of the United Kingdom (2.9 million), Dominican Republic (2.8 million) and France (2.4 million). Nine of the top 10 destinations visited by U.S. travelers posted increases in 2015.
The top origin regions/states from which U.S. residents traveled to overseas destinations:
• Middle Atlantic States (New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania), with a 20 percent share of all U.S. regions, was down eight percent from 2014.
• South Atlantic States (primarily Florida, Georgia, Virginia, Washington, D.C., Maryland and North Carolina) accounted for 23 percent and travel was up 25 percent.
• Pacific States (California and Washington) generated 15 percent of outbound travel was down four percent from 2014.
• West South Central States (mainly Texas) registered a 12 percent share and travel was up 18 percent.
• Travel from East North Central (primarily Illinois, Ohio and Michigan) accounted for 10 percent and was up seven percent.
Main trip purpose. Vacation/holiday estimated at 53 percent of U.S. overseas travelers was up 11 percent in volume from 2014. Visiting friends and relatives (VFR) was the second-highest main trip purpose, at 27 percent, and was up six percent in volume from 2014. Business travel, as the main purpose of trip, composed 10 percent of outbound travel; but volume was down five percent from 2014. Convention travel was three percent of travel and the number of convention travelers decreased nine percent in 2015.
人流のモチベーションにVFR(visit friends and relatives)が第二位に挙げられている。移民の国だからであろう。
• The top ten ports of departure for U.S. citizens were New York (JFK), Miami (MIA), Atlanta (ATL), Los Angeles (LAX), Newark (EWR), Chicago (ORD), San Francisco (SFO), Washington (IAD), Houston (IAH) and Boston (BOS) which accounted for 76 percent of U.S. departures.
• Advance trip decision time and airline reservation time increased to an average of 102 days and 70 days prior to departure, respectively, in 2015 compared to 2014.
• As an information source for trip planning, airlines were most used (52 percent), along with online travel agencies (OTA) (32 percent) and conventional travel agencies (17 percent). More than a third of travelers booked directly through the airlines (39 percent), a majority booked indirectly via either an Internet booking service (31 percent) and/or a travel agency (18 percent).
• Pre-paid package usage decreased slightly to 13 percent of U.S. travelers.
• The average length of stay (number of nights) outside the United States was 17.2 nights in 2015, down ½ day from 2014.
• Seven percent of travelers were on their first international trip, down from 2014, meaning the number of repeat travelers increased more. The average number of international trips taken by U.S. travelers in the last 12 months was 2.6, about the same as in 2014.
• The number of destinations visited averaged 1.8 in 2015. The percentage visiting only one destination was again 57 percent. Those visiting three or more destinations were also 20 percent as in 2014.
• Travel party size held at 1.6.
• The modes of inter-city transportation used by U.S. travelers between destinations overseas were airline (65 percent, down from 66 percent in 2014), bus (20 percent), and railroad (14 percent). The top modes of intra-city transit were taxicab/limo (30 percent) and subway/tram/bus (20 percent). The use of private and/or rented autos was 39 percent and 12 percent, respectively. Five percent traveled on cruise/river boat for overnight trips. Seven percent took short scenic cruises or used a ferry/river taxi.
• Top leisure activities for U.S. travelers were sightseeing, shopping, visiting small town/countryside, experiencing ‘fine dining’ (gastronomy), visiting historical locations, taking guided tours, visiting art galleries/museums, experiencing cultural/ethnic heritage sites, visiting national parks/monuments and ‘nightclubbing’.
• Average international airfare per visitor, per trip, was $1,237 USD, down eight percent from 2014, and average expenditures (travel payments) per visitor, per trip, while overseas were $1,487, flat from 2014. The usage of credit cards increased slightly to 56 percent. Cash brought from home and cash withdrawn from an ATM using credit/debit cards and purchases using debit cards accounted for 44 percent.
• Airfare and convenient schedules were main factors in airline choice. Over 81 percent ‘paid’ for the ticket without the use of awards, upgrades or deeply discounted fares. Seventy eight percent flew in coach or economy class.
• Travel insurance was purchased for the trip by 30 percent of respondents, up from 28 percent in 2014.
• Twelve percent visited a health care provider in advance of their trip, the same as in 2014.
Demographic Data:
• Fifteen percent of respondents identified themselves as Hispanic. Sixteen percent identified as Asian, eight percent as Black, and two percent as American Indian/Alaskan Native or Hawaiian Islander. Fifty-nine percent of U.S. citizens who visited Asia in 2014 identified themselves as Asian. Fifty-two percent of those visiting South America had identified as Hispanic.
• Females composed slightly over half (50.3%) of U.S. travelers to overseas. The number of women travelers continues to increase. (In 2000 women were 39 percent of U.S. outbound.) The average age of male travelers was 45.0, slightly down from 2014; female travelers averaged 43.5 years, also slightly down from 2014.
Average household income was $125,000, up from 2014. First time traveler households reported $83,000 and repeat traveler households reported $129,000 annual income. Seven percent of traveler households earned $300,000 or more. Business and convention travelers earned an average $153,000.
U.S. Department of Commerce International Trade Administration/Industry & Analysis National Travel and Tourism Office (NTTO) 1401 Constitution Avenue NW, Mail Stop 10003 Washington, D.C. 20230 Phone:(202) 482-0140 Fax: (202) 482-2887 Website: //travel.trade.gov Email: ntto@trade.gov
【本書の構成】 第1章 日本社会の「3つの生き方」第2章 日本の働き方、世界の働き方第3章
Quora ヒットラーとユダヤ人
『日本人のためのアフリカ入門』『アフリカを見る アフリカから見る』白戸圭一
Quora GOTO政策よりNYの方がよい。 ニューヨークにずっと住んでいる海外在住者の方でコロナによって失業もしくは、収入が激減した方はいますか?その場合はどのようにして収入を確保していますか?
Chinatsu Miyazaki·木 これは現在の私のことなのでお答えしなければいけません
『鉄道が変えた社寺参詣』初詣は鉄道とともに生まれ育った 平山昇著 交通新聞社
中国の観光アウトバウンド政策 公研No.675 pp45-46
倉田徹立教大学法学部教授 1997年にアジア通貨危機、2003年にSARS流行発生時、香港経